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Book a measles vaccination appointment

  • Pharmacies: Vaccine appointments can be booked at local pharmacies for individuals ages 4 and older, and is also available at walk-in-clinics and many primary care offices. Please call ahead to check on vaccine availability. Find a pharmacy
  • VCH Clinics: Children who are eligible can book an appointment by booking an appointment online. Book a measles vaccine appointment

Signs and symptoms of the measles

After someone catches the measles virus, symptoms can start as soon as seven days, and up to 21 days, after a person is infected with the virus.

Signs and symptoms of measles include:

  • fever of 38.5°C or higher, cough, runny nose, and red and inflamed eyes that are often sensitive to light,
  • a rash, which starts first on the face and neck, and spreads to the chest, arms and legs, and lasts about 4 to 7 days.
  • there may also be small white spots inside the mouth
  • young children may also develop diarrhea or an ear infection.

How measles spreads

Measles is very contagious and spreads easily.

When an infected person breathes, coughs, or sneezes, the virus spreads through the air. The measles virus can survive in small droplets in the air for several hours. You can become infected when you breathe in these droplets or touch objects contaminated with the virus. The airborne spread of measles virus makes the disease very contagious. Sharing food, drinks or cigarettes, or kissing someone who has the virus can also put you at risk.

Immunization for the measles

Who should get the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR)

  • Children in B.C. born in or after 1994 routinely receive two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR), one at 12 months, then again before they start kindergarten. If your child is up-to-date with their immunizations, these individuals should be protected against measles. If they are not up to date, they will need a vaccination. See where to get vaccinated below.
  • Babies as young as six months should get vaccinated against measles before travelling to countries where measles is spreading. Children between the ages of 12 months and four years can also get their second dose before travelling internationally.
  • Adults may already have protection from childhood vaccination or from having measles before. Measles vaccines are typically not needed for those born before 1970 as most people in that age group have immunity to measles from a prior infection, before vaccination was widely available. However, before international travel, adults should ensure they have received two doses of a measles-containing vaccine if they were born in 1970 or later.
  • If you were born before 1994 or grew up outside of B.C., you may have received only one dose of the vaccine and require a second dose.
  • If you were born before 1970, you are likely to be immune to measles. However, if you aren’t sure if you have ever had the infection, an MMR vaccine is safe and recommended. However, before international travel, adults should ensure they have received two doses of a measles-containing vaccine if they were born in 1970 or later.
  • Anyone who has ever had the infection does not need to be immunized.
  • Measles vaccine (MMR) is not recommended for people who are pregnant. The MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) is a live vaccine and therefore it is not recommended that pregnant people be vaccinated for measles until after they give birth.  However, it is recommended that everyone within the same household be up to date on vaccinations to protect you and your baby lowering the risk of infection.

The MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) lasts for a lifetime. Two doses of measles vaccine are 99 per cent effective at preventing measles. One dose of vaccine is 95 per cent effective.

Measles resources