A group photo of six children laughing outside.

School health promotion

VCH is committed to working with schools to implement strategies that promote whole-school well-being using the Comprehensive School Health Framework. Schools and school districts are invited to connect with local Public Health Nurses, Public Health Dietitians, and Community Health Specialists to collaborate on school health promotion initiatives based on individual school and school district priorities.  

To support schools and school administrators in promoting the health and well-being of students, we offer and support a variety of evidence-based and practical resources within these topic areas:

Children playing outside with a parachute

Physical health

Adequate nutrition, movement, and rest for the brain and body improve mood, increase concentration, and support positive learning and development. Equipping students with the skills to recognize and respond to their body’s physical and emotional cues is essential for developing strong self-regulation abilities.

Child smiling outside of a school

Healthy sexuality

Healthy sexuality is about more than sex. It is about growing into an adult, understanding one's identity, and using communication and consent to develop healthy relationships. It's also about understanding one's body and rights, caring for one's health, and understanding choices.

A group of children talking in a circle

Mental well-being

Creating a school environment where students feel safe, seen, heard and supported is associated with greater health and academic outcomes, as well as lower rates of substance use, bullying and violence.

Junior high students in a discussion group

Substance use

Coming soon!

School health promotion resources

The Physical Health Promotion program offered by public health nurses collaborates with educators to integrate physical activity and literacy, healthy eating and sleep habits into the classroom. Public health dietitians, community health specialists, and policy leads also offer support for school districts in fostering environments and policies that promote physical health.  

The Healthy Sexuality program aims to support secondary school teachers in gaining the knowledge and skills needed to deliver the comprehensive sexual health components of the physical and health education curriculum.  It will be available this winter. 

    • Supporting healthy eating at school

      Creating inclusive food environments, school food programming, teaching about food and nutrition, and supporting students in fostering a healthy relationship with food and their bodies. 

    • Public Health Dietitians

      Work with school districts on promoting the nutritional well-being of school communities.

    • Active transportation

      Encourage active and sustainable modes of transportation. 

    • Playbuilder

      Lesson plans, activities, and professional development opportunities on promoting physical literacy and activity.

    • Digital Physical Health Handout 1 PAPL

      A resource for parents and caregivers.

    • Digital Physical Health Handout 2 The Rainbow Brain

      A resource for parents and caregivers.

    • Digital Physical Health Handout 3 Eating Well

      A resource for parents and caregivers.

    • Digital Physical Health Handout 4 Sleep + Screens

      A resource for parents and caregivers.

    • Travel Smart Active Travel Infographic

      A resource for parents and caregivers.

    • Screen Use (0-4 Years)

    • Screen Use (5-12 Years)

    • Screen Use (13-17 Years)

    • Social and Emotional Learning

    • Mental Health

    • Body Image

    • Travel Smart Active Travel Infographic

      A resource for parents and caregivers.

Management of medical conditions in schools

    • School Health Medical Management online course

      School personnel are encouraged to complete the VCH School Health Medical Management online course on an annual basis


  • Supporting and Connecting Youth (SACY) Substance Use Prevention Initiative

  • G.F. Strong School Program

  • Hearing Screening

  • Paediatric Teams

  • Dental Public Health Children's Program

  • Sexual Health Clinics

School health resources

When should I keep my sick child home from school?

Public Health resources for schools and childcare facilities

Relationship with food and body

Teaching about food and nutrition

School food programs

School food environments

Active travel to school

Sexual health youth clinics for North Shore schools

Supporting healthy eating at school