First Nation House Post at VGH

Along with our health system partners, we have signed a Declaration of Commitment to have cultural competency, humility and safety embedded at all levels of the health system.

  • Cultural competency

    Cultural competency refers to an understanding of cross-cultural interactions and an awareness and acceptance of the variety of people and populations that we work with.

  • Cultural humility

    Cultural humility is a process of self-reflection to understand personal and systemic biases and to develop and maintain respectful processes and relationships based on mutual trust. Cultural humility involves humbly acknowledging oneself as a learner when it comes to understanding another’s experience.

  • Cultural safety

    Cultural safety is an outcome of cultural competency, defined and experienced by those who receive the service – they feel safe. Cultural safety is based on understanding the power differentials and potential discriminations inherent in the health service delivery system.

We are committed to addressing and decreasing health inequities for Indigenous people by providing culturally safe and responsive services.

Traditional indigenous art inside of a healthcare facility

The Indigenous Cultural Safety Policy guides us to become a culturally safe organization and informs our policies and programs. We are committed to ensuring this policy is embedded throughout VCH.

Read the Indigenous Cultural Safety Policy

The Indigenous Health team supports our commitment to provide culturally safe care through Indigenous patient care programs and learning opportunities for staff.

More on our vision and other pillars

Our vision

Our vision of healthy lives in healthy communities inspires us and our values and pillars guide us. Collectively, our actions contribute to creating safe, healthy spaces for everyone and support quality patient outcomes, access to equitable care and a great place to work.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Promoting a sense of belonging where we can bring our whole selves to VCH.


Creating a community where we dismantle attitudes, practices and processes that impact people based on their race or ethnicity.

Planetary Health

Restoring, stewarding and conserving healthy ecosystems for generations to come.