Staff Spotlight

Kiran Kooner, Registered Nurse and Clinical Nurse Educator

Kiran Kooner

In celebration of National Nursing Week (May 8-14), nurses from across Vancouver Coastal Health are taking us along for their shifts, giving us a behind-the-scenes look at the important work they do, alongside their interdisciplinary teams, to care for our patients, clients and residents.

​​​​​​​7:00 a.m. – Starting my day

My day begins with a warm cup of chai and quality time with my family. In the morning, my two-year-old granddaughter enjoys introducing me to all her toys. Together, we play, laugh and cheer. It’s a wonderful start to my day.

7:30 a.m. – Driving to work

I enjoy my commute into work. As a Clinical Nurse Educator, I seek opportunities to learn and connect with my community. Often this happens naturally, when I bring my granddaughter to daycare and see the smiling faces of my entire long-term care family.

8:00 a.m. – Preparing for my day

It is my responsibility to provide education to all staff at my facility. I strive to be a resource person to the whole team and our residents.

I review my agenda and to-do list and plan for the day. This prepares me for my meetings with my educator colleague.

I am an active participant in our daily leadership huddles. Here, we discuss our new residents and their needs, staffing concerns and new projects. We also introduce new team members and students.

Noon – Lunch break with colleagues

During my breaks, I enjoy sharing life’s experiences and joys with colleagues and others in the helping professions. My favourite place to hold these meetings is on the balcony on a warm sunny day.

Often, we will go for a quick walk around Minoru Park. Through these small meaningful moments, we celebrate life’s many joyous occasions together.

Below, we take some time to celebrate special occasions together.

1:00 p.m. – Providing education

It is around this time that my educator colleague and I provide in-service education opportunities to staff. During each month, we plan and facilitate many formal education sessions like the one pictured below.

Additionally, each day I conduct multiple informal and one-on-one education sessions with staff members. Through collaboration with my colleague, future educational events are planned to ensure staff are kept abreast of current, evidence-informed clinical skills and knowledge.

3:00 p.m. – Afternoon thoughts

As the day nears its end, I begin preparations for the next day. This often involves organizing objectives, noting progress on various projects and communicating appreciation to all those who have helped make a great day even better.

If the day permits, I will welcome and connect with the evening staff to better support their daily responsibilities.

4:00 p.m. – Reflecting on my day

I am a strong believer of regular reflection. In fact, I recognize reflection as a prerequisite necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of one’s efforts.

I often set time aside to check in with myself. I ask myself what my goals were that day and what I did to achieve them. I also consider how my goals align with the desired outcome. This allows me to make continuous, dynamic adaptations to my practice, as appropriate.

4:30 p.m. – Driving back home

For me, nursing is a vocation and my passion. I am truly fortunate to have worked at Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) for more than 25 years. Under VCH, I am involved in meaningful and fulfilling service to my community.

As I drive home, I reflect on the good. This grounds me to the present, allowing me to appreciate all that surrounds me.

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