Staff Spotlight

Marjory Ditmars, Nurse Practitioner

Marjory Ditmars, Nurse Practitioner

Continuing our highlight of Nurse Practitioners Week, we are pleased to shine a light on Marjory Ditmars, who works at the Heatley Community Health Clinic and Onsite Withdrawal Management located in the Downtown Eastside (DTES).

When Marjory was deciding on her profession, it was important that the work she does aligned with her social justice values. “I started my work in the DTES almost 20 years ago working for a non-profit that provided services for survival sex trade workers,” she says. “I witnessed the work of the BCCDC (BC Centre for Disease Control) outreach nurses and was inspired to become a nurse and to contribute meaningfully to the DTES community. I love working in the DTES and I doubt you’ll find me working anywhere else!”

Joining Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) in 2012, Marjory’s career started as a harm reduction nurse at Insite, North America’s first sanctioned supervised injection site. “I worked at Insite for over a decade in both front line and leadership roles, thru the increasing toxic drug supply and the COVID-19 pandemic,” she tells us. “I also spent a few years working as an outreach nurse with the Women’s Intensive Case Management Team. Both these positions gave me the depth of knowledge I needed to transition into working as a Nurse Practitioner in the DTES providing primary care.”

Connecting with clients in the community

Built on the principles of harm reduction, Onsite is a space for medically supported withdrawal management that provides a direct continuum of care services including a wide range of recovery-oriented programs along with health and housing supports. Because Onsite primarily transitions people from Insite, it is successful at reaching people at the moment they decide to make a change and works with them to assist in the intake process.

Marjory shares that working at Onsite allows her to link up with clients, making sure their withdrawal management needs are taken care of while addressing any lingering primary care issues. She expresses, “Onsite holds a unique place in my heart because many individuals seeking services are often left out of the broader healthcare system.” She goes on to elaborate, “Connecting with someone who has faced obstacles in accessing care for an extended period and aiding them in recognizing their worthiness of care is one of the most fulfilling aspects of my role there.”

During her time at Heatley Community Health Centre, she dedicates her days to delivering primary care services, encompassing support for substance use and mental health. Her role provides ample opportunities for teamwork, fostering collaboration with the nursing and allied health teams throughout the day.

With nearly two decades of experience in the community, Marjory's commitment to those she serves is truly remarkable. Her emphasis on cultivating relationships and delivering trauma-informed care plays a pivotal role in establishing a safe and supportive environment for those who need it most. Expressing her favorite moments, she shares, “The highlight of my workday is encountering a familiar face I haven’t seen in years and having the chance to reconnect.” She adds, “Witnessing people evolve and achieve success in reaching their healthcare goals brings me immense joy.” Marjory's fervor for her profession and her empathetic approach serves as a shining example of what it truly means to be a dedicated healthcare professional.

Team collaboration

Marjory values VCH's commitment to continuous education and professional growth, considering it vital for delivering quality patient care. Expressing her enthusiasm, she shares, “I enjoy collaborating with a diverse and skilled interdisciplinary team. There's always room for learning. The wealth of information that VCH NPs have is such an incredible resource.”

Marjory expresses gratitude for being a part of the supportive and knowledgeable teams at both Heatley and Onsite. She values not only the practical advice and clinical guidance they offer but also the encouragement they provide as she continues to evolve and learn as a practitioner.

The open-door policy and focus on teamwork contribute to cultivating a sense of community crucial for success in any healthcare setting. Marjory notes, “Collaboration is a constant, making the experience of being the newbie far less isolating. The VCH NP department consistently checks in and is readily available for support. If I have a concern or an immediate need, my leadership is just a text or phone call away.”

Career growth at VCH

In November 2022, Marjory embarked on the next phase of her career as a Nurse Practitioner. Reflecting on her journey, she shares, “I'm still relatively new in my practice, learning something new every day. One of the most crucial lessons I've learned is the importance of asking for help when needed. None of us can know everything, and it’s vital to lean on each other when we don’t have all the answers.”

Marjory highlights that VCH offers Nurse Practitioners opportunities to guide their own learning and engage in a diverse range of educational experiences. She explains, “VCH enables me to select courses and conferences aligned with my clinical work, providing a chance to both enhance my skills and connect with broader communities of practice for a reset,” she says. “I’m attending the St. Paul’s Family Medicine Conference this month with several of my colleagues and I’m really looking forward to learning everything I can from the presenters.

Marjory's care philosophy centers on authenticity and sincerity in providing for her clients. As she states, "I make sure that my work consistently originates from a place of compassion and understanding." Marjory is dedicated to continuous reflection on her practice, actively pursuing opportunities for participation in quality improvement initiatives.

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