Cleaning and sanitizing

Routine cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces will help to reduce the spread of infection and disease. School Boards have policies on cleaning and sanitizing in schools.

Cleaning is the removal of visible dirt from a surface. 

Sanitizing is done after cleaning to reduce the number of germs remaining on a surface to a safe level.

A surface cannot be properly sanitized until it has first been thoroughly cleaned. 

How to clean 

  • Remove visible dirt by wiping it up with a clean, wet cloth and a little household cleaning detergent.
  • Wipe off excess water.

How to sanitize

  • Wipe with a mixture of one teaspoon (5 ml) of household bleach (5% - 6% chlorine) in two cups (1/2 litre) of water.
  • Let stand for a minute and dry with a clean cloth.

Sanitizers other than bleach

When using sanitizers other than bleach. Read the entire label. Use the product exactly as directed on the label.

Other sanitizers may be used but must be suitable for the intended purpose, especially on food contact surfaces or objects children may put in their mouths.

Cleaning and sanitizing guide


Surface or Item Procedure When



Before & after each use

Food contact surfaces, dishes, trays, tabletops, bib

Clean and sanitize

Before & after each use


Clean and sanitize

After each use

Cleaning cloths




Surface or Item Procedure When

Diaper table, potty

Clean and sanitize

After each use

Toilet, floor, sinks

Clean and sanitize

Daily & when soiled

Sleep room

Surface or Item Procedure When



Between children & when soiled

Cribs, playpens

Clean and sanitize

Between children & when soiled

Sleep mats

Clean and sanitize

When soiled


Surface or Item Procedure When

All floors

Vacuum or sweep




Weekly & when dirty

Carpet in infant & toddler rooms

Clean (steam or hot water)

Every 3 months

Carpet in over three rooms

Clean (steam or hot water)

Every 6-12 months


Surface or Item Procedure When

Cleaning cloths


After each use

Wet mops

Rinse with sanitizer solution and dry with head up

After each use


    • Cleaning and sanitizing guide

      Print this page as featured in the guide book Sneezes & Diseases: A Resource Book for Caregivers & Parents

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