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Postpartum depression and anxiety

80% of new parents will go through a few days of difficult adjustment after giving birth, called the baby blues. It's normal and common to feel irritable, sad/tearful or overwhelmed. Most parents recover quickly on their own. 

However, some parents face a much harder struggle. One in six new moms and one in ten new dads will develop a perinatal mood disorder like postpartum depression and anxiety. This can happen whether they've gone through a pregnancy or adopted their child. 

Signs you need help

These are some of the signs that a mom might need help:

  • Feeling that something isn't right
  • Feeling helpless or overwhelmed by everyday activities
  • Not bonding with baby or feeling resentment or lack of interest
  • Feeling angry or aggressive
  • Feeling numb or being unable to feel emotions
  • Crying often, even when you don't know why
  • Afraid to be alone
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Frightening, intrusive thoughts about you or baby getting hurt
  • Feeling overwhelmed by anxiety or panic attacks
  • Loss of appetite or overeating
  • Difficulty sleeping, even when you get the opportunity
  • Constantly worrying about baby or feelings of doom
  • Feeling like you're alone or have no support
  • Feeling like you're not good enough or are a 'bad mom'

Dads can have similar symptoms. However, signs of depression in men are more likely to include increased anger, emotional withdrawal and/or risk-taking behaviour (e.g., having an affair or driving recklessly).

Where to get help for postpartum depression

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact the Pacific Post Partum Support Society toll free at 855-255-7999. Their website has resources to help momsdads and the people who love them. You can also read one mom's journey through postpartum depression.

Your Public Health Nurse or family physician are here to help. 

If you have feelings that you want to hurt yourself or your baby, you are not a bad parent but you do need help. Visit your nearest emergency department or call the crisis line at 1-800-784-2433.