Immunization coverage
Immunization coverage refers to the proportion of a population that is appropriately immunized for a specific vaccine-preventable disease (VPD). Maintaining high immunization coverage is essential for the effective prevention and control of VPDs. Routine immunization coverage assessments can contribute to evaluate immunization programs, guide policies and activities that strengthen these programs, and inform the public.
Two-year old immunization coverage rates
Immunization coverage rates of two-year olds is an important indicator of immunization delivery within a community. Between birth and their second birthday, children in British Columbia are eligible for a number of publicly-funded vaccines. See the immunization schedule on the HealthLinkBC website.
To estimate two-year old immunization rates, we conduct a telephone-based survey every three years. In the VCH area, the majority of immunizations are administered by private physicians and not by the health authority. Subsequently, Public Health does not have a record of most children’s immunizations and a representative survey is used to assess the coverage rates. Vancouver Coastal Health uses two-year old immunization coverage survey results to target our public health programs to make sure we are better able to prevent and control childhood diseases. Two year old immunization coverage rates (2012)
School age immunization coverage
School age immunization coverage can be used by health authorities and schools to focus communication efforts and interventions to promote vaccines and vaccine safety, improve coverage and thereby protect the students from VPDs. Each school year, VCH public health nurses work with schools to collect immunization records and update immunizations for students in kindergarten, Grade 6 and Grade 9. These school grades align with the recommended BC Immunization schedule. At the end of the school year, immunization records are analyzed to determine coverage levels by antigen for students by school, grade and geography.
Immunization Coverage Dashboard
VGH School-Age Immunization Coverage Dashboard