
Immunization for school-aged children

Five smiling children inside a classroom

Vancouver Coastal Health works with health-care providers to help support immunization for school-aged children. Learn where to get immunizations for school-aged children (kindergarten to grade 12) if you live in the Vancouver Coastal Health region.

When to get your school-aged child immunized

Routine school-aged immunizations are free. As children get older, the protection from infant immunizations can wear off. Children can be at risk of new diseases as they enter kindergarten and in their pre-teen and teen years. 

Learn more about kindergarten immunization

Where to get your school-aged child immunized

Routine recommended vaccines

COVID-19 and Influenza immunizations

Anyone aged six months and older is eligible for the vaccine. Parents can register their children in the Get Vaccinated provincial system to be notified of when they can get vaccinated. The vaccines are free and children do not need B.C. Care Cards to receive them.


More about immunizations in school

Please complete, sign and return the consent form to your child’s school. It is recommended and encouraged that parents/guardians discuss consent for immunization with their children.

BC’s legislated Infant’s Act states that children under the age of 19, can provide consent for health care if the health care provider determines that the child is capable of making this decision. This is called mature minor consent and includes providing consent for immunizations.

Although there is no set age when a child can give mature minor consent for immunizations, in most circumstances nurses working in Public Health in B.C. will get consent from the parents/guardians of children in grade 6. However, nurses working in public health in B.C. will offer mature minor consent as an option for grade 9 students who are able to understand the benefits and possible reactions (side effects) for each vaccine and the risk of not getting immunized.


How to help your child have a positive immunization experience

Tell your child that immunizations are part of keeping healthy. Be positive and talk ahead of time about what to expect. Bring a book or toy to distract them during their immunization. Learn other helpful tips to make your child’s immunization experience a positive one.

Learn more


    • ImmunizeBC

      Immunization information, materials and resources for parents and health care professionals.

    • Caring for Kids: Immunization

      A parent’s guide to immunization information on the internet.

    • Teacher and student education resources

    • Adult learning resources

    • HealthLink BC: The benefits of vaccinating your child

      Information on why you should consider immunizing your child.

    • BC Centre for Disease Control: Immunizations and vaccines

      Comprehensive information on immunization and vaccines.

    • Map of immunization coverage in B.C.

    • Kids Boost Immunity

      Curated lessons with interactive quizzes that mirror your province's science, health and social studies curriculum – all for free. For every quiz that students complete, they will earn a vaccine for someone in need.

    • World Health Organization: Immunizations

    • Immunization information on the Internet - Can you trust what you read?

    • Tommy's Force Field

      Public health nurse Marilee Hare created this immunization resource to educate children on the importance of getting vaccinated.

    • Video: I lost my friend to meningitis

      A video about the importance of getting vaccinated against meningococcal disease. It only took four days for meningitis to take Leo's life. In B.C., Canada, grade 9 students will be offered a vaccine that prevents deaths like Leo's.