Pharmacy services provide acute care pharmacy services to inpatients and outpatients. Services can include bedside consultation and medication management review.

How to access

  • Eligibility

    Pharmacy dispenses chemotherapy medications only.

Hours of operation

Currently open

We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Visiting hours may vary depending on the unit. Please call the Sechelt | shíshálh Hospital main line at (604) 885-2224 to determine visiting times before your visit.

Parking and transportation

​Free parking is available in the parkade, and public transit is nearby.

Designated electric vehicle charging stations are available for staff, medical staff, patients and visitors. Find VCH EV charging stations.

Sechelt | shíshálh Hospital

Sechelt | shíshálh Hospital is a 63-bed facility in Sechelt that also serves the communities of Langdale, Gibsons, Roberts Creek, Halfmoon Bay and Pender Harbour.

Pharmacy Services

Pharmacy services provide acute care pharmacy services to inpatients and outpatients. Services can include bedside consultation and medication management review.