
VCH named as one of Canada’s Top Employers for 2024

We are pleased to share that Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) has once again been named as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers.

Our core values of We Care for Everyone, We are Always Learning and We Strive for Better Results are key components of why VCH has been chosen for the third year running. Our staff, medical staff and volunteers live these values everyday, demonstrating them in all they do.

While you’re there to support them, we’re here to support you

Support through different life stages and events is something that Gwynneth Mwashusha, licensed practical nurse and community care manager at Richmond Community Health Access Centre, appreciates about working at VCH. 

“Vancouver Coastal Health has allowed me to work in many different roles and, if I need to change roles, I can do it within the organization,” she says. “Right now, working in community health…means I can do things like go to my daughter’s soccer games. My family comes first, and VCH seriously understands that.”

Bob Chapman, Vice President, Vancouver Community echoes this as an important component of making VCH a great place to work. 

“We’ve been working on strategies around flexibility and work-life balance.” says Bob, “We know that a happy workforce is critical for quality patient care.”

Build your career at VCH

Join a team that cares about the big and the little things. Explore current job opportunities across the region and apply online today.

About Canada’s Top 100 Employers

Canada’s Top 100 Employers is an annual competition that recognizes employers with progressive and forward-thinking programs. Employers are evaluated by the editors of Canada's Top 100 Employers using eight criteria: Workplace; Work Atmosphere and Social; Health, Financial and Family Benefits; Vacation and Time Off; Employee Communications; Performance Management; Training and  Skills Development; and Community Involvement.

Learn more about VCH as one of Canada's Top 100 Employers.