Outbreaks & pandemics
An outbreak happens when a disease occurs in higher numbers than expected in a community or region during a season. When a disease spreads easily and rapidly through many countries and affects a very high number of people, it is called a pandemic.
Get protection from pandemic flu
Pandemic flu occurs only 2 or 3 times a century. Like any flu season, immunization is the best protection for you and your family during a flu pandemic. You can also reduce your risk of infection by following healthy practices.
How Vancouver Coastal Health is preparing
At VCH, we are actively preparing for a pandemic by:
- Monitoring influenza in VCH and around the world.
- Planning resources and support for our health care providers.
- Developing systems to get drugs, medical supplies and equipment to where they're needed, fast.
- Developing information for the public and health care providers.
- Making sure we can deliver a vaccine to everyone in VCH once it's developed.
- Developing communications systems to provide you with accurate, timely information.
Pandemic response plan
During an influenza pandemic, the priority is to save lives and care for the ill while minimizing the impact on the community. It is essential to be prepared. Our Pandemic Outbreak Response Plan is reviewed regularly to stay up-to-date.