Visiting hospitals and clinics
Learn about what to expect when you visit the hospital, clinics or other VCH healthcare facilities.
Visiting hours
Call the general information phone line of the hospital or clinic you'd like to visit to check the visiting times before you arrive. Visiting hours are different, depending on the unit.
- Vancouver General Hospital: (604) 875-4111
- UBC Hospital: (604) 822-7121
- G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre: (604) 734-1313
- Lions Gate Hospital: (604) 988-3131
- Richmond Hospital: (604) 278-9711
- Squamish General Hospital: (604) 892-5211
- Sechelt Hospital: (604) 885-2224
- qathet General Hospital: (604) 485-3211
- Bella Coola General Hospital: (250) 799-5311
- ƛ̓uxválásu̓ilas Heiltsuk Hospital (formerly R.W. Large Memorial Hospital): (250) 957-2314
Visiting our hospitals and clinics
Health care needs to be accessible to all. Here are programs we offer and partn…
American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters
American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters are available for deaf, deaf-blind an…
Ethics services
Our role is to support you in identifying, analyzing, and resolving ethical iss…
Hospital resource centres
Hospital resource centres assist people, and their families make informed choic…
Gift Shops
Gift shops are available at many of our locations for those who want to support…
Parking at VCH sites
Get more information about parking at our hospitals, and learn how we are reduc…
Sacred Spaces and Gathering Places
We recognize the importance for many Indigenous people to gather around loved o…
Spiritual Health and Multi-Faith Services
Giving you comfort and support, spiritual care practitioners can help address t…
Well Wishes Program
Words of encouragement or well wishes are important in keeping spirits up. A nu…

Stay home if you aren't feeling well
We want to give our patients and clients every chance to get well. Do not visit the hospital if you are feeling unwell, if you have a cold or the flu, or have been near someone else who is sick. It is also important to wash your hands or use available alcohol-based liquid/foam hand sanitizers before and after visiting a loved one in the hospital or clinic.
Frequently asked questions
I have a friend/relative in hospital, who do I contact to learn about visiting hours?
For all VCH hospitals and clinics. hours of operation are listed on their individual location page as it varies across each location. For other general inquiries, please check in with the location via phone call before visiting to determine the best time for your visit and what you should do when you arrive.
Who should I contact for my VGH inquiry if I'm not sure which department I belong to?
Connect with our VGH Hospital resource centre - CIBC Centre for Patients & Families at Vancouver General Hospital either through phone call or email to access their service.
Phone number: (604) 875-5887
Email: -
What are the COVID-19 regulations at VCH facilities? Do I need to wear a mask?
A temporary Provincial Mask Policy is in effect in VCH health-care facilities, including acute care and VCH community-based health-care services. Medical masks are available at these VCH sites.
Under the new policy, medical masks must be worn by all staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors in patient-care areas, including their associated waiting rooms. The policy does not apply to patients, and there are also exceptions for young children and for people with exemptions.
We no longer require visitors to show proof of vaccination before entering long-term, acute, or other health care facilities.