Reporting immunizations

Help protect your community by reporting your and your children's immunization records to Vancouver Coastal Health.
Report your child’s immunization records to Vancouver Coastal Health
Vancouver Coastal Health needs to have an up-to-date record of your child’s immunizations so we can:
- Recommend immunizations your child may be missing.
- Provide the best care for your child through our public health programs.
- Respond effectively to disease outbreaks in child-care facilities and schools.
Children without vaccination records (or proof of immunity to disease) are considered unvaccinated and unprotected. Children who miss immunizations or have missing records may be asked to stay home if an infectious disease happens at their school or daycare.
- Report your child’s vaccines provided by their family doctor or nurse practitioner.
- Report your child's immunization record if you have just moved to the VCH region.
- Report your child's immunization record before they start kindergarten.
Records provided to public health are documented in the Provincial Immunization Registry. For your convenience, you and your family will always be able to access these records electronically through BC Health Gateway.
Immunized by public health at an Immunization Clinic? These records are already documented in the Provincial Immunization Registry. You don’t need to send these to us.
How to report your child's immunization record by email
- Write your child's name and date of birth on each page of their vaccination record, such as their Child Health Passport booklet. If the record is not in English, provide records in the original language and if possible a translated English version.
- Take a picture or photocopy each page you would like to submit.
- Attach the records to an email. In your email, include the following information:
- Child's name (first and last)
- Child's date of birth
- Child's B.C. Personal Health Card number
- Child's school name and their grade
- Parent/guardian name and email address or phone number (this allows a Public Health Nurse to contact you if they have any questions on your records).
- Email the records to your local community health unit.
- North Shore (North Vancouver, West Vancouver):
- Sea-to-Sky, Sunshine Coast, Central Coast (Sea-to-Sky, Sunshine Coast, Powell River, Bella Bella and Bella Coola):
- Richmond:
- Vancouver:
Personal information in the email you send us is collected, used and disclosed by VCH in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Statistical information may be provided to the Ministry of Health for healthcare planning, program evaluation and quality improvement. We may contact you in the future to ask whether you would like to participate in the evaluation of the school immunization program. VCH may need to email or text you information relating to your child’s immunizations.
Please be aware that your personal information may be stored outside of Canada by your email/messaging service provider and will be subject to the laws of that jurisdiction. If you have any questions about privacy, please contact VCH’s Information Privacy Office at (604) 875-5568 or
Other ways to report you or your child's immunization record
- In person: Drop off a copy at your local community health centre or Public Health Unit.
- By mail or fax: Send a copy of your child's immunization records by mail or fax to your local community health centre or Public Health Unit
Vaccination Status Reporting Regulation (VSRR)
B.C.'s Vaccination Status Reporting Regulation (VSSR) came into effect on July 1, 2019. It supports the gathering of immunization records by public health. The regulation applies to all students in all schools within the Province's jurisdiction. This includes international students and those who are home-schooled. It does not apply to children attending schools in First Nations communities.
Gathering this information is important. It helps us to respond quickly to outbreaks in schools and helps everyone get back to learning as soon as possible.