Caring for a friend or loved one is a complex role with unique responsibilities. Caregiver resources are available for information and support, and respite services provide caregivers a break from the emotional and physical demands of caring for a friend or relative.

Caregiving, even when given with love, can be stressful. We offer respite care, a short period of rest and relief, so you can continue to provide good care. It is available at home through added nursing support or outside of the home, where short-term stays in a care facility or hospice can be arranged for your loved one.

How to access

Respite nursing care at home

To request respite nursing care at home or for resources or support with navigating the challenges of caregiving, contact your local health unit to request home and community care services.

Respite care in hospice or long-term care

To request respite care in a home-like setting (such as hospice or a long-term care home), including overnight respite programs, contact the specialized palliative access line in your area.

Grief support groups

North Shore

Several formats of grief support groups are offered to North Shore residents through the Every Day Counts Program.


The Richmond Grief Support Group is a weekly support group that offers a safe place, open hearts, affirmation and hope to individuals who have experienced loss.


Vancouver Hospice Society offers Grief Support to those who reside in Vancouver. For more information or to access this support, please visit the Vancouver Hospice Society website.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a cost for caregiver support?

    Caregiver support services are free. 


    • Here to Help

      Contact for emotional support, information on appropriate referral options and support relating to mental health concerns.

    • Seniors’ Distress Line

      Provides a free and confidential telephone support service for seniors, their caregivers, or anyone concerned about a senior. Highly trained, nonjudgmental, and caring volunteers answer calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    • Caregiver self assessment

      The assessment will help you understand how well you balance caregiving demands.

    • Family caregiver flipbook

      Information, tips and tools to staying healthy while caregiving.