Home health offers health-care services in your home, based on your needs.


Vancouver Coastal Health home health services are provided by qualified professionals who work to provide coordinated care. The home health services you receive will depend on you or your family member’s needs. Services that may be offered, based on needs, are: 

  • Case management
  • Community Nursing
  • Home Support 
  • Nutrition and dietitian services
  • Rehabilitation therapy
  • Social worker services
  • Speech and language services
  • Spiritual care services

Home support

Home support is care at home that helps you remain independent and enhance your quality of life. The services supplement how you care for yourself, in addition to support provided by your family, friends, community, or other available services.

Learn more about home support services.

Contact us

Home and community care access lines

The first step is to contact us. We will help you determine eligibility, prepare for an assessment, and develop your care plan.

Learn more about accessing home and community care


Find this service near you

  • Other

    Home Health at Bella Coola

    P.O. Box 220 Bella Coola
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at Central Community Health Centre

    132 West Esplanade North Vancouver
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at Evergreen Community Health Centre

    3425 Crowley Drive Vancouver
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at Pacific Spirit Community Health Centre

    2110 West 43rd Avenue Vancouver
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at Parkgate Community Health Centre

    2nd floor, 3625 Banff Court North Vancouver
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at Pemberton Health Centre

    1403 Portage Road, PO Box 8 Pemberton
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at Pender Community Health Centre

    59 West Pender Street Vancouver
  • Home Health at qathet General Hospital

    5000 Joyce Avenue Powell River
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at Raven Song Community Health Centre

    2450 Ontario Street Vancouver
  • Other

    Home Health at Richmond

    7671 Alderbridge Way Richmond
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at Robert and Lily Lee Family Community Health Centre

    1669 East Broadway Vancouver
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at South Community Health Centre

    6405 Knight Street Vancouver
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at Squamish Community Health Centre

    1140 Hunter Place Squamish
  • Other

    Home Health at Sunshine Coast

    5630 Inlet Avenue Sechelt
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at Three Bridges Community Health Centre (West End)

    1128 Hornby Street Vancouver
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at West Vancouver Community Health Centre

    2121 Marine Drive West Vancouver
  • Community health centres

    Home Health at Whistler Health Care Centre

    4380 Lorimer Road Whistler