How to access home and community care
Related topics: Home and community care

Learn how to arrange for home and community care services for you or someone else. We are here to guide you every step of the way.
Contact us
If you or someone you know is seeking help
Call the access line contact information in your area. When you connect with the home and community care office, a Home Health clinician will help you determine eligibility and if appropriate, arrange to conduct a health needs assessment.
Health-care professionals, such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, or social workers can also refer on your behalf using the home and community care referral form.
Home and community care access lines
- Bella Bella: (250) 957-2314
- Bella Coola: (250) 799-5311
- Powell River: (604) 485-3310
- Sunshine Coast (Gibsons, Sechelt): (604) 741-0726
- Sea to Sky (Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton): (604) 892-2293
- North Shore (North Vancouver, West Vancouver): (604) 983-6700, fax: (604) 983-6839
- Richmond: (604) 675-3644, fax: (604) 278-4713
- Vancouver: (604) 263-7377, fax: (604) 267-3419
If you or a family member is in the hospital
Speak to your doctor, a nurse, the hospital social worker or a transitional service team member to contact the home and community care office. They will determine your eligibility and, if appropriate, arrange for service when you return home.
General eligibility
If you or a family member want home and community care services, you must:
- be a resident of British Columbia;
- be a Canadian citizen or have permanent resident status. You must be a landed immigrant or be on a Minister’s permit approved by the Ministry of Health Services;
- and need care at home after you have been released from the hospital to prevent you from going back or for a life-limiting illness.
You must meet additional eligibility requirements for some of our services, such as home support, assisted living, adult day services and long-term care. You must:
- be aged 19 or over;
- lived in British Columbia for at least three months;
- and unable to function independently because of chronic, health-related problems or have been diagnosed by a doctor with an end-stage illness.
There may be other specific criteria in place for other programs.
Assessment criteria
In addition to meeting the general eligibility criteria described above, each service has its own needs assessment criteria that you must meet. Our health care professionals will work with you, your family, your doctor and other health care professionals to assess:
- your eligibility for home and community care services;
- what services best meet your needs and situation;
- how long you may need these services;
- and the costs, if any, for these services.
What you need to prepare
When you come for your home and community care assessment, bring the following items:
- Your B.C. Care Card or BC Services Card;
- The name and phone number of your doctor or any other doctor(s) you have visited;
- The name and address of a close relative or friend;
- Any prescription or other medication you are taking;
- Income information and pension cheque stubs; and
- Your most recent income tax return or notice of assessment.
Our Home Health team must fully understand your health-care situation and needs. Please ask questions if you are unsure about the services available.
You may want to have a family member or a friend with you during the assessment visit to provide support and assistance. Besides discussing the amount and type of assistance you already receive, they may be able to help you answer questions.
Making decisions about your care
You have the right to consent (give permission) to the care we offer you.
Make sure you understand everything before you make a decision. Please ask your health-care provider questions if you are unsure or do not understand something.
Let your family and health care providers know if you have documented your wishes for current or future health care in an advanced care plan. This could be a representation agreement, sometimes called a living will. If possible, bring a copy of this document with you. Learn more about advance care planning.
Costs and fees
Some home and community care services are provided free of charge. Other services include a fee, which is determined by your income.
For example, you may be entitled to benefits through other sources (e.g. extended health benefits, Veterans Affairs Canada) or you may have unusual expenses and be eligible for a temporary rate reduction.
It is important to work with your health-care professional to get an accurate assessment of your unique situation. Call the home and community care access line in your community for current costs.
Services that are free
These services are provided for free:
- Home care nursing
- Caregiver support
- Case management
- Occupational and physical therapy
- Community nutrition
- Health services for community living (for adults with developmental disabilities)
- Personal care for eligible palliative clients
Services that may have costs
These services may charge a fee:
- Acquired brain injury services
- Home support: There may be a daily charge, depending on your income
Services with costs
These services charge a fee:
- Adult day programs: Centres usually charge a daily fee to assist with the cost of craft supplies, transportation and meals.
- Assisted living
- Convalescent care: There is a daily rate for convalescent care. If you are unable to afford this fee, your financial situation can be assessed to see if you qualify for a temporary rate reduction.
- Hospice palliative care
- Long-term care
Care plan
If you are eligible for services, a Home Health clinician will assist you, your family and your caregiver(s) in accessing the appropriate services and resources that meet your needs.
Your care plan will be updated as your care situation changes.
Home and community care referral form
Referral form for health-care providers.
Home and community care services
Learn more about the services available within home and community care.
Advance care planning
Learn more about advance care planning and how to get started.