Pain Clinic

Offers pain management through assessment, care and education by a team of health professionals for adults experiencing pain.

Services provided

  1. Perform interventional blocks
    1. Epidural steroid injection for degenerative/herniation/protrusion disc disease, spinal stenosis, and ‘failed spinal surgical syndrome’
    2. Nerve blocks, for example:
      • Intercostals nerve block for post hepatic neuralgia
      • Ilioinguinal nerve block for post-operative inguinal hernia repair
      • Occipital nerve block for chronic headaches
      • Trigger point injections for myofascial pain and fibromyalgia (excluding MVA cases)
      • Stellate ganglion block and plexus block for upper limbs complex pain syndrome
      • Botox injection for chronic headaches
      • Nerve neuralgia
  2. Perform pulsed radiofrequency to peripheral sensory nerve
    • Intercostals nerve block for post-hepatic neuralgia
    • Ilioinguinal nerve block for post-operative inguinal hernia repair
    • Lateral femoral nerve cutaneous for meralgia paresthetica
    • Saphenous nerve for saphenous
    • Occipital nerve​​​​
  3. Identify and forward patients with facets/sacroiliac joint arthropathy to the Radiology Department for facets and sacroiliac join blocks under fluoroscopy of CT
  4. Provide advice and recommendations related to medication, exercise, and physiotherapy

Exclusion criteria

  • Acute vertebral fractures
  • This clinic does not provide pain medication
  • Patients with significant social and psychological issues are more appropriately treated at a full-service pain clinic, such as the Transitional Pain Clinics (TPC) at St. Paul's Hospital & Vancouver General Hospital or the Chronic Pain Clinic at SMH
  • Patients who are currently seen by other pain clinics


    • RHS referral form

      Have your health-care provider fill out the RHS referral form and fax it to 778-504-9750.

This service is available at
This service is available at

Pain Clinic (Ambulatory Care) at Richmond Health Services

Ambulatory Care Centre - 7000 Westminster Hwy
Richmond, BC V6X 1A2
See directions on Google Maps
Fax:  778-504-9750