Recreational Water Safety
Related topics: Health protection, permits and licensing Pools and beaches

The Health Protection team is responsible for monitoring recreational beaches weekly during the swimming season. Commercial pools and hot tubs are also approved and inspected regularly.
What we do
Environmental Health Officers (EHO) in the Health Protection team regularly assess and conduct inspections of public and commercial swimming pools, hot tubs, wading pools and spray parks for compliance with BC’s Pool Regulation to ensure the health and safety of your family.
In addition to inspections, services include:
- Issue construction permits for new and renovated pools
- Issue and renew operating permits to public and commercial pools, hot tubs and spray parks
- Review pool safety plans
- Respond to complaints
- Issue correction orders or closures for serious violations
- Provide training for pool operators
Public Health Act
Contact us
If you have questions or issues related to environmental health, inspections or facility licensing, you can reach us using the health protection feedback form or through your local health protection office.