Sexual Assault Services (SAS)

Related topics: Sexual health

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Sexual assault services (SAS) provide a specially trained team of female nurses, nurse examiners, doctors and counsellors that provide care 24 hours a day.

Our services include assessment and treatment of injuries, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy prevention as well as forensic evidence collection and emotional support. We also provide referrals to health, legal, and community-based support services.

What to expect

Sexual Assault Services (SAS) is a specially trained team of female nurses, nurse examiners, doctors and counsellors that provide care 24 hours a day. Our services include assessment and treatment of injuries, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy prevention, forensic evidence collection, and emotional support.

We also provide referrals to health, legal, and community-based support services.

Access this service

Go directly to the Emergency Department and ask for the Sexual Assault Service. Our nurses and doctors are on call 24 hours a day. 

  • You are welcome to bring a friend, family member or support person to the hospital. 
  • Female patients may arrange for a Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW) Rape Crisis Centre counsellor to meet them at the hospital by calling (604) 255-6344.

At the hospital 

  1. It is your choice whether or not to report the sexual assault to the police. We will give you information about your legal options and support your decision.
  2. If you choose to report to the police, we can collect forensic samples and summarize our findings in a medical legal report. If the case goes to court, we can testify and tell the court about the medical findings.

After you leave the hospital 

We will give you information about commonly experienced feelings, thoughts, and responses to sexual assault. We will also give you some recommendations for follow-up treatment. If you like, the Sexual Assault Service counsellor will call you in a few days to find out how you are doing and answer any of your questions.

There is no right or wrong way to feel or respond.

Sexual assault is traumatic. You may be in shock and find it hard to believe this happened to you. Some people do not remember what happened.

You may feel embarrassed, ashamed, guilty, anxious, depressed, angry or numb. Some people have nightmares, difficulty eating or sleeping, or are afraid to go outside. You may also be worried about sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, HIV, or injuries. These are common concerns after a sexual assault. You may have other concerns.

We know that whatever happened was not your fault.


Find this service near you

  • Forensic Nursing Services at Lions Gate Hospital

    231 East 15th Street North Vancouver
  • Forensic Nursing Services at Sechelt | shíshálh Hospital

    5544 Sunshine Coast Highway Sechelt
  • Sexual Assault Service (SAS) at UBC Hospital Urgent Care Centre

    2211 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver
  • Sexual Assault Service (SAS) at Vancouver General Hospital

    899 West 12th Avenue Vancouver