SURKit: Substance Use Response Kit
SURKit is a best practice substance use response toolkit that brings together the resources - both physical and non-physical - needed by Emergency Department staff to deliver quality care to patients presenting with substance use disorders

SURKit is part of VCH and PHC's regional strategy to help reduce drug toxicity deaths
SURKit will be implemented across all VCH/PHC emergency departments to ensure more uniform substance use care, focusing on a non-stigmatizing approach to harm reduction, substance use stabilization, treatment initiation and transition of care.
Substance use care and treatment
Hospital Care – Substance Use Guidelines
Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Suboxone) to go (BTG) kits in the emergency department
Missed dose protocol - buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone)
Missed dose protocol - slow release oral morphine (Kadian)
Missed dose protocol - methadone
How to identify number of missed doses in the emergency department
for Suboxone, methadone and Kadian
Transition to care
Transition to care - next best step
Discharge planning in the ED for patients who use substances
Emergency department posters
Client poster
Talking about substance use can save lives
Poster 1 - Multilingual slides for monitors
Talking about substance use can save lives - English, Punjabi, simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Spanish, Farsi
Poster 2 - print 11x17
Substance use resources with QR codes
Poster 2 - print 8.5x11
Substance use resources with QR codes
Poster 2 - digital
Substance use resources with QR codes
Poster 1 - Punjabi
Talking about substance use can save lives
Poster 1 - Simplified Chinese
Talking about substance use can save lives
Poster 1 - Farsi
Talking about substance use can save lives
Poster 1 - Spanish
Talking about substance use can save lives
Poster 1 - Vietnamese
Talking about substance use can save lives
Poster 1 - Tagalog
Talking about substance use can save lives