The following information provides a snapshot of some of the key health services available within or near your community. Depending on your health needs, you will have access to a broader continuum of specialty resources and health-care professionals located throughout VCH. 

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) is responsible for providing health-care services to the people and communities we serve, which include Vancouver, Richmond, the North Shore, Sea to Sky, Sunshine Coast, Powell River, Bella Bella, and Bella Coola. VCH cares for patients referred from other health authorities, provides 46 per cent of all inpatient specialized care for the entire province, and works in partnership with Providence Health Care to deliver care in Vancouver.

Resources near you

    • Vancouver General Hospital (VGH)

      An acute facility offering specialized and tertiary services to residents in Vancouver and across the province. VGH accepts patients referred from other parts of the province requiring highly specialized services such as: bone marrow transplant and surgery, burns and plastics, spinal cord surgery, and organ transplant. VGH is also a teaching hospital, affiliated with the University of British Columbia, and home to one of the largest research institutes in Canada.

    • UBC Hospital

      This facility provides care and links to the emergency department at VGH and other acute care hospitals across the region to ensure patients continue to have timely access to the services they need in the most appropriate setting.

    • UBC Urgent Care Centre

      UBC Urgent Care Centre is housed at UBC Hospital and offers specialized treatment for non-life threatening emergencies by emergency trained physicians and nurses and is open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Centre also offers a wide range of diagnostic services and testing including X-rays, blood tests, ultrasound, CT scans and ECGs.

    • St. Paul’s Hospital (SPH)

      An acute care, teaching and research hospital located in downtown Vancouver. It is home to many world-class medical and surgical programs, including heart and lung services, HIV/AIDS, mental health, emergency, critical care, kidney care and numerous surgical specialties.

    • Mount Saint Joseph Hospital (MSJ)

      Located on the east side of Vancouver. The hospital offers both acute care and extended care services and is respected throughout the province for its multicultural focus and community programs.

    • G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre

      British Columbia's largest rehabilitation centre. As a freestanding facility, G.F. Strong provides inpatient, outpatient, outreach, and clinical support services to clients/patients in four unique programs: Acquired Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Arthritis, and Neuromusculoskeletal.

    • The Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre

      Brings together Vancouver General Hospital’s (VGH) outpatient care services, including specialty clinics, along with medical education, physician teaching clinics and research, all at one site. Patient access is improved through easier coordination and scheduling of multiple specialist and clinic visits and diagnostic testing. The Centre provides care for an estimated 600,000 patients each year.

    • Emergency Department Wait Times

      Provides emergency department wait times for the Vancouver, Richmond and North Shore emergency departments, as well as the Urgent and Primary Care Centres. Please call 911 or go directly to your nearest emergency department if you are in need of serious medical attention including experiencing chest pain, severe bleeding or stroke symptoms.

    • Indigenous Patient Navigators

      Vancouver General Hospital, Richmond Hospital, UBC Hospital, G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre and Oak Care Centre have Indigenous Patient Navigators that provide direct patient and family support, including access to Elders, traditional ceremonies, and traditional healing practices, as well as support and education to health-care team members caring for Indigenous patients.

    • Raven Song Community Health Centre

      Community Health Centres (CHCs) offer a variety of services as well as home and community care services and ambulatory clinics; public health clinics for immunizations; prenatal services; speech language services for children; mental health and/or substance use services.

    • Three Bridges Community Health Centre

      Community Health Centres (CHCs) offer a variety of services as well as home and community care services and ambulatory clinics; public health clinics for immunizations; prenatal services; speech language services for children; mental health and/or substance use services.

    • South Community Health Centre

      Community Health Centres (CHCs) offer a variety of services as well as home and community care services and ambulatory clinics; public health clinics for immunizations; prenatal services; speech language services for children; mental health and/or substance use services.

    • Robert & Lily Lee Family Community Health Centre

      Community Health Centres (CHCs) offer a variety of services as well as home and community care services and ambulatory clinics; public health clinics for immunizations; prenatal services; speech language services for children; mental health and/or substance use services.

    • Vancouver City Centre Urgent and Primary Care Centre

      Urgent and Primary Care Centres (UPCCs) provide same-day care for non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses when you are unable to see a family doctor or health care provider. UPCCs are open evenings and weekends, seven days a week all year long, seeing patients according to urgency.

    • REACH Urgent and Primary Care Centre

      Urgent and Primary Care Centres (UPCCs) provide same-day care for non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses when you are unable to see a family doctor or health care provider. UPCCs are open evenings and weekends, seven days a week all year long, seeing patients according to urgency.

    • Southeast Urgent and Primary Care Centre

      Urgent and Primary Care Centres (UPCCs) provide same-day care for non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses when you are unable to see a family doctor or health care provider. UPCCs are open evenings and weekends, seven days a week all year long, seeing patients according to urgency.

    • Finding a family doctor and other primary care options

      For suggestions and options for finding a primary care provider in your community.

    • Vancouver Central Intake Line for Home and Community Care

      Home and Community Care includes a range of services such as home-based and ambulatory clinic nursing, community rehabilitation, case management, home support, palliative care, home and hospice care, adult day programs, assisted living, residential care, and respite care. Eligibility is based on B.C. residency and health need. In accordance with Ministry of Health’s services policy, all individuals seeking access to long-term home and community care services, such as home support, assisted living, and residential care, must first consent to and participate in a needs assessment consisting of both a health and financial assessment. You can access these services by calling the central intake numbers, calling your local community health centre, or, upon discharge from a hospital, you will be connected by staff as appropriate.

    • Vancouver Central Intake Line for Palliative and Hospice Services

      Home and Community Care includes a range of services such as home-based and ambulatory clinic nursing, community rehabilitation, case management, home support, palliative care, home and hospice care, adult day programs, assisted living, residential care, and respite care. Eligibility is based on B.C. residency and health need. In accordance with Ministry of Health’s services policy, all individuals seeking access to long-term home and community care services, such as home support, assisted living, and residential care, must first consent to and participate in a needs assessment consisting of both a health and financial assessment. You can access these services by calling the central intake numbers, calling your local community health centre, or, upon discharge from a hospital, you will be connected by staff as appropriate.

    • Access Central Detox Referral Line

      Access Central is a toll-free number that helps Vancouver residents link to detox and substance use housing and matches people with the service most appropriate to their health needs. Detox services include: Home Detox, Daytox, Residential Detox and Youth Detox. Substance use housing options include: Housing First (low threshold supported housing) and Alcohol and Drug Free (supported housing for those engaged in abstinence, recovery and substance use treatment). The Access Line accepts self-referrals. You can call seven days a week and voicemails left after-hours are answered the following morning. To find the phone number and open hours, please visit the website.

    • Access and Assessment Centre (AAC)

      Access and Assessment Centre (ages 17+) is the single point of access for mental health and substance use services for non-life threatening mental health and/or substance use issues. We take calls and walk-ins seven days a week. To find the phone number, address, and open hours, please visit the website.

    • Child and Youth Mental Health Central Intake

      Child and Youth Mental Health Central Intake provides a single non-emergency point of entry to community mental health services for young people in Vancouver.

    • Child and Adolescent Response Team (CART)

      CART provides urgent (within 72 hours), community-based response to mental health related crisis involving school-aged children and youth up to 18 living in Vancouver who are experiencing urgent psychiatric or emotional crisis. Services can range from phone consultation to on-site assessment or consultation, short-term counselling or psychiatric assessment.

    • Older Adult Community Mental Health Referral Line

      Provides a single non-emergency point of entry to community mental health services for older adults in Vancouver.

    • Mental Health and Substance Use Supported Housing (MHSUSH)

      Mental Health and Substance Use Supported Housing (MHSUSH) assesses and refers eligible people to mental health-funded housing. MHSUSH will assist homeless and precariously housed individuals with mental health, substance use, and behavioural concerns to identify supported housing that meets their care needs.

    • Car 87/88

      Car 87/88 is a partnership between Vancouver Coastal Health and the Vancouver Police Department that pairs a VCH nurse with a police officer to provide urgent, on-site mental health assessment/intervention for people in a psychiatric crisis. Access this service by calling 9-1-1 in an emergency or the Access and Assessment Centre number during open hours.

    • HealthLink BC

      To quickly access non-emergency health information via the provincial resource, HealthLink BC, dial 8-1-1 or go online to Translation services are available in over 130 languages on request.

    • Patient Care Quality Office

      Patients who have a complaint that remains unresolved after discussion with care providers, may contact the VCH Patient Care Quality Office. Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact: 1-877-993-9199 or