
Extreme heat

Seniors drinking water




  • 60歳以上の高齢者
  • 独り暮らしの人
  • 糖尿病、心臓病、呼吸器系疾患などの既往症がある人
  • 総合失調症、うつ病、不安症など精神障害のある人
  • アルコールなど物質使用障害のある人
  • 身体の不自由な人
  • 粗末な簡易家屋に住んでいる人
  • 暑熱の環境下で仕事をする人
  • 妊娠中の人
  • 乳幼児





  • 多量の発汗
  • めまい
  • 吐き気、嘔吐
  • 呼吸数や心拍数の増加
  • 頭痛
  • 集中力が鈍る
  • 筋肉のけいれん
  • 極端な喉の渇き
  • 皮膚の発疹
  • 暗色尿&排尿の減少

熱疲労の兆候が見られたら、必ず涼しい場所へ移動し、水を飲み、皮膚全体を水(水風呂 、水シャワー、または洋服を濡らすなど)で冷やします。これらの処置は直ちに取ってください。そのままにしておくと急激に熱射病に進行することがあります。熱射病は緊急の医療措置が必要となります。



  • 体温が高くなる(>38℃/100℉)
  • 失神、眠気
  • 意識の混濁
  • 運動失調
  • 皮膚が熱く、赤くなる

熱射病は緊急の医療措置が必要です。直ちに救急治療室(ER)または応急手当センター(Urgent Care Centre)で手当てを受けてください。必要な場合911へ通報します。助けを待っている間、手当てが必要な人をできればすぐに涼しい場所へ移して身体を冷やし、そして皮膚全体を水(水風呂 、水シャワー、または洋服を濡らすなど)で冷やします。




  • 屋内屋外とも涼しい場所を探す(例、最寄りのコミュニティセンター、図書館、ショッピングモールなど)
  • 水などをたくさん飲み、のどが渇いていなくても常に水分を補給する
  • 水シャワーを浴びる、身体の一部を水風呂に浸かるなど、水で身体を冷やす
  • 濡れたシャツを着る、濡れタオルを皮膚にあてるなどで身体を冷やす
  • ゆったりした明るい色の通気性の高い衣服を着る
  • 活動を制限する。特に最も暑い日中の時間帯(BCでは2pmから4pm)を避ける
  • 窓を閉め、室内外とも午前中10時頃にシェードやブラインドを下ろし、冷たい空気を室内に封じ込め、日光を遮断する
  • 夜9時から10時ごろに窓やドアを開け、夜間の涼しい空気を室内に入れる(ただし、外気温が室内の気温より低いことを確認する)
  • 扇風機を何台かうまく使って夜間に冷たい外気を室内に入れる
  • キッチンやバスルームにある換気扇を使って室内の温かい空気を外へ出し、窓を開けて夜間に冷たい外気を室内へ入れる
  • 自宅にエアコンの導入を考える。すでにエアコンがある場合、必ずエアコンをつける
  • ご自身とあなたが高温時の安全確認をしている人のために室内の温度を監視する
  • 熱疲労や熱射病の兆候に気を付ける。暑さに弱い人にとって、熱中症に対するリスクは室内の気温が26℃(78℉)を超えると上昇し、31℃(88℉)を超えると著しく高くなる


Check-in with others


Cover of heath check-in support framework


Heat check-ins happen in a variety of settings and by staff or volunteers with diverse training. Given the wide context, this framework was created so organizations may select the information that is most relevant to their setting to develop their own organizational check-in plans.



extreme heat check in by NCCEH










コミュニティ団体向けのエビデンスに基づく公衆衛生の手引き ― インクルーシブでかつ条件を満たした、効果あるクーリングセンターの設置と運営の仕方



2021年に発生したヒートドーム現象を教訓として、複数の医療部門とカナダ環境・気候変動省(ECCC)は共同で2022年の夏に向けてBC高温アラート・対応システム(BC HARS)を立ち上げました。この2段階のアラートシステムは、高温警報(レベル1)または異常高温緊急事態アラート(レベル2)の発令、両方のアラート用の適切な公衆衛生メッセージ、および医療部門と他のパートナーのための推奨アクションなどの基準を提示しています。州政府はこれから数年の間に亘りBC HARSの内容を精緻化するとともに改良を重ねていきます。

BCCDC のWebサイトに掲載のBC HARSについてはこちら










Graphic Illustration of Vancouver's Indoor Heat Study showing houses with the sun

Vancouver’s Indoor HEAT Study (2021-2023)

In 2021, Western Canada experienced an extreme heat event caused by a heat dome that resulted in 619 heat-related deaths across BC. In the weeks following, a team of health and climate professionals at Vancouver Coastal Health, BC Centre for Disease Control, and the City of Vancouver identified indoor temperature as a data gap in the region. To address this gap, these organizations designed a multi-year study – the Indoor Household Exposure to Ambient Temperatures (HEAT) Study – to collect temperature, building, and household data from residents living in Vancouver, BC. The goal of this work is to help inform recommendations for achieving safe cool temperatures inside existing buildings and help prevent heat illness.

Read the results of the study here

2021 BC Heat Dome and VCH ER Visits

Following the 2021 BC heat dome, the VCH Public Health Surveillance Unit studied data on emergency room visits in collaboration with VCH and Providence Health Care Emergency Medicine programs. Several key findings were identified:

The extreme heat event that affected much of British Columbia in 2021 resulted in a substantial increase in Emergency Department visits related to heat-related illness in VCH hospitals.

Rates of heat-related Emergency Department visits varied substantially by area of residence. Among the urban neighbourhoods in the VCH region, a higher rate of heat-related ED visits was observed among residents in the Downtown Eastside, Kensington, Victoria-Fraserview, North Vancouver City-East/West, and North Vancouver District Municipality –Central.

Among age groups, the highest rate of heat-related ED visits was among those aged greater than 80 years. Slightly more than half of heat-related ED visits and over 90% of hospitalizations among these visits were among those aged 65 years or older.

Comprehensive heat event preparedness is essential to minimize future health impacts, as the risk of extreme heat events in the context of a warming climate continues to evolve.

Read the full report: 2021 BC Heat Dome VCH ER Visits

2021 BC Heat Dome and VCH ER Visits

Following the 2021 BC heat dome, the VCH Public Health Surveillance Unit studied data on emergency room visits in collaboration with VCH and Providence Health Care Emergency Medicine programs. Several key findings were identified:

The extreme heat event that affected much of British Columbia in 2021 resulted in a substantial increase in Emergency Department visits related to heat-related illness in VCH hospitals.

Rates of heat-related Emergency Department visits varied substantially by area of residence. Among the urban neighbourhoods in the VCH region, a higher rate of heat-related ED visits was observed among residents in the Downtown Eastside, Kensington, Victoria-Fraserview, North Vancouver City-East/West, and North Vancouver District Municipality –Central.

Among age groups, the highest rate of heat-related ED visits was among those aged greater than 80 years. Slightly more than half of heat-related ED visits and over 90% of hospitalizations among these visits were among those aged 65 years or older.

Comprehensive heat event preparedness is essential to minimize future health impacts, as the risk of extreme heat events in the context of a warming climate continues to evolve.

Read the full report: 2021 BC Heat Dome VCH ER Visits

Cover of Policy tools to create and support cooler, safer indoor living spaces





    • Extreme heat poster - English

      Vancouver Coastal and Fraser Health

    • Extreme heat poster - Translated

      Vancouver Coastal and Fraser Health; Available in: English, Arabic, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Hindi, Korean, Farsi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu, Vietnamese and Gujarati

    • Health checks during extreme heat events

      National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health; Available in: English, French, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese

    • Extreme heat preparedness guide

      Prepared BC; Available in: English, French, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese

    • Fans in extreme heat FAQ

      Vancouver Coastal Health and Fraser Health

    • Build your own cool kit

      Vancouver Coastal Health and the City of Vancouver (Find at the bottom of the page); Available in: English, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese.

    • Heat-related illness in infants and young children

      HealthLink BC; Available in: English, Arabic, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Farsi, French, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

    • Prepared together for extreme heat

      Building Resilient Neighbourhoods and Hey Neighbour Collective; Neighbour-to-neighbour connections may save lives during heat events. See tips to connect, learn, & collaborate with neighbours.

    • AC Care

      Aboriginal Housing Management Association; Recommendations on safe and efficient operation of portable air conditioning units.

    • How to be a heat-healthy business leader

      Fraser Health

    • Heat stress information for workers

      WorkSafe BC

    • Child care facilities and heat

      Vancouver Coastal Health

    • Community care facilities and heat

      Vancouver Coastal Health

    • Resource guide: Heat Planning

      VCH and Health Emergency Management BC; How community care facilities can begin heat planning and recommended months for each step.

    • Heat Response Plan Template

      VCH and Health Emergency Management BC; Fillable heat response plan template for community care facilities.

    • Site assessment checklist

      VCH and Health Emergency Management BC; Detailed site and clinical checklists to assist community care facilities with heat planning.

    • Resident risk identification guidance

      VCH and Health Emergency Management BC; Criteria to identify residents in community care facilities at highest risk from heat-related illness.

    • Heat response preparation checklists

      VCH and Health Emergency Management BC; Brief checklist for community care facilities to complete before each heat season.

    • Heat response temperature log

      Vancouver Coastal Health and Health Emergency Management BC; Indoor temperature recording template for community care facilities.

    • Heat response checklist

      Vancouver Coastal Health and Health Emergency Management BC; Daily readiness check for community care facilities during heat alerts.

    • Heat-related illness: Prevention and Management in Community Care Facilities

      Vancouver Coastal Health and Providence Health Care

    • Extreme Heat Guidance for Restaurants

      Vancouver Coastal Health

    • Pool Operators on Extreme Heat and Smoke

      Fraser Health

    • Summer heat, smoke and health: Recommended actions for owners and managers of rental and strata housing

      Vancouver Coastal and Fraser Health

    • Resources to prepare buildings and facilities for extreme heat

      BC Housing

    • Heat wellness check-in card for tenants

      BC Housing

    • Creating cooling spaces during hot weather: Guidance for community organizations

      Vancouver Coastal Health
