
OASIS class descriptions

OASIS classes are free to attend. Anyone with osteoarthritis can register to attend a class. Most classes are also appropriate for people with inflammatory arthritis. You do not need a referral from your physician to attend OASIS classes.

About OASIS classes

OASIS classes are taught by the OASIS education team, which consists of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, registered nurses, and dietitians.  

Start by attending our “core” classes to cover the most important information about managing arthritis.  “More” classes are offered about specific parts of the body and special-interest topics. Classes are offered in person and by webinar (via Zoom).

For information on upcoming class schedules and registration, visit the OASIS main page.

Core classes

Managing Hip & Knee Arthritis 

Learn about osteoarthritis in these commonly affected joints, ways of managing your arthritis without surgery, and what happens if you need joint replacement surgery.

Pain Management

Learn evidence-based strategies to manage arthritic pain so that you can exercise, rest and have a function-centred life.

Exercise & Arthritis

Learn about the benefits of exercise, the types of exercises you can do to support your joints, and signs that you are doing too much.

Nutrition, Supplements & Arthritis

Learn about the impact of diet on arthritis, nutrients and supplements that can help and strategies for healthy eating.

More classes

Hand Arthritis / Foot & Ankle Arthritis / Shoulder Arthritis / Spine Osteoarthritis 

Individual classes for each of these joints focus on specific strategies for management, including joint protection, exercise and pain management. 

Sleep & Stress Management 

Learn about the health benefits of sleep, the relationship between sleep and stress, and strategies for improving your sleep and managing your stress. 

Curious About Cannabis

Learn how and why cannabis can help with pain and how to access cannabis for medical purposes.

Introduction to Meditation

Interested in learning meditation skills to help manage pain and stress?  This information and practice session will get you started on your wellness path!  (Recommended pre-requisite: Pain Management and/or Sleep & Stress Management)

Mindful Eating for Better Health, Part 1 & 2

Do you struggle with behaviours, thoughts or emotions that affect your eating?  Learn how to improve what you eat by changing your relationship with food and eating.

Beverages — What are You Drinking?

Learn about the healthiness of your beverage choices, how much you should be drinking, and what beverages are good or bad for arthritis. 

Working from Home with Arthritis — Ergonomic Tips

Learn ways to set up your workstation when you have arthritis and how you can improve your workstation and work habits to minimize your risk of injury.

Gardening & Arthritis

Learn strategies that will keep you gardening with arthritis,  including joint protection, pacing, helpful gardening gadgets, and garden layout.

Basic Hip and Knee Exercises — Practical Session

Learn and practice basic exercises for hip and knee movement and strength, with a focus on alignment and control. (Prerequisite: Exercise and Arthritis)

Pole Walking for Arthritis 

Learn about the benefits of using poles while walking and practice the correct technique to support your joints. Borrow our walking poles or bring your own!   (Virtual session -- Walking More Comfortably)

Ask Anything about Arthritis

Small group meetings (recommended after attending at least one other OASIS session). Interactive small group sessions to answer your questions and discuss osteoarthritis and self-management. Come ready to participate in the group discussion!

Do you have inflammatory arthritis?  Learn more about managing inflammatory arthritis at classes offered by the Mary Pack Arthritis Program.


OsteoArthritis Service Integration System (OASIS) helps people with osteoarthritis self-manage their condition by providing free education sessions. 

Visit the OASIS main page