

Seniors drinking water




  • 60 岁或以上的年长人士
  • 独居人士
  • 有糖尿病、心脏病或呼吸系统疾病等既往健康问题的人
  • 精神分裂症、抑郁症或焦虑症等精神疾病患者
  • 有致瘾物使用问题(包括酗酒)的人
  • 行动不便的人
  • 住房条件极差的人
  • 在高温环境中工作的人
  • 孕妇
  • 婴幼儿





  • 大量出汗
  • 头晕
  • 恶心或呕吐
  • 呼吸急促以及心跳加快
  • 头痛
  • 难以集中注意力
  • 肌肉痉挛
  • 极度口渴
  • 出现新皮疹
  • 尿液赤黄以及尿量减少



  • 高体温(高于 38 摄氏度或 100 华氏度)
  • 昏厥或困倦
  • 意识模糊
  • 协调性差
  • 皮肤很热且发红

中暑属于医疗紧急状况。应立即前往急诊部或紧急保健中心就医。如有必要,请拨打 911。在等待帮助期间,请立刻为患者降温,如果可能,将其转移到凉爽的地方,并使其皮肤大面积接触凉水(凉水盆浴、淋浴或用凉水将衣服浸湿)。



  • 寻找凉爽的室内和室外空间(例如当地社区中心、图书馆或购物中心。)
  • 即便不觉得口渴,也要多喝水和其他饮料以保持体内水分。
  • 用水来降温,冲个凉水澡或将身体的一部分浸入凉水中。
  • 穿湿衬衫或用湿毛巾敷在皮肤上来降温。
  • 穿宽松、浅色、透气的衣服。
  • 限制活动,尤其是在一天中最热的时段(在卑诗省通常是下午 2 点到 4 点)
  • 上午 10 点左右关闭窗户,并拉下室内或室外的遮阳帘或百叶窗,将凉爽的空气留存在室内并阻挡阳光。
  • 晚上 9-10 点左右打开门窗,让凉爽的夜间空气进入室内(确认此时室外温度确实比室内低)。
  • 有策略地使用一个或多个风扇,以便夜间凉爽的空气进入室内。
  • 使用通常安装在厨房和浴室的排气扇,将室内的热空气排出室外,并打开窗户,使夜间的凉爽空气进入室内。
  • 考虑为家里安装空调;如果有空调,确保已打开。
  • 监测您自己和您关照的人的室内温度。
  • 留意是否有热衰竭和中暑的迹象。对于易受高温影响的人群,当室内温度超过 26 摄氏度(78 华氏度)时,其患与高温有关的疾病的风险可能会增加,而当室内温度超过 31 摄氏度(88 华氏度)时,该风险可能会显著增加。

山火烟雾也会导致健康问题。在山火烟雾和高温同时出现期间,还应考虑使用高效能空气微粒 (High Efficiency Particulate Air, HEPA) 净化器来过滤空气。




Cover of heath check-in support framework

温哥华沿岸卫生局 (VCH) 非政府机构高温健康检查支持框架

2022 年春,温哥华沿岸卫生局 (VCH) 健康环境团队与地方政府和社区机构合作,了解他们的需求,帮助他们进行高温健康检查,为社区居民提供支持。合作方对于如何进行高温健康检查确定了需要了解的信息,并对员工和接受检查的人员会提出的常见问题明确了相应的回答。高温健康检查可由接受过各种培训的工作人员或志愿者在不同的环境中进行。由于背景广泛,创建此框架的目的是便于各个组织选择与其环境背景最相符的信息,从而制定自己机构的健康检查计划。



extreme heat check in by NCCEH


国家环境健康合作中心 (National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health, NCCEH) 编写了一份包含全部重要信息的 5 页指南,指导民众在高温期间进行健康检查。该指南是与 Glen Kenny 博士及其在渥太华大学 (University of Ottawa) 的热应激研究团队合作开发的。有英语、法语、中文和旁遮普语版本可供下载。









鉴于 2021 年出现的“热穹顶”现象,多个卫生部门合作方和加拿大环境与气候变化部 (Environment and Climate Change Canada, ECCC) 共同开发了 2022 年夏季卑诗省高温警示和响应系统 (BC Heat Alert and Response System, BC HARS)。这个二级警示系统制定了加拿大环境与气候变化部 (ECCC) 发布高温预警(1 级)极端高温紧急警示(2 级)的标准,拟定了两种警示所对应的公共卫生信息内容,并对卫生部门和其他合作方可采取的行动提出建议。卑诗省将在未来几年继续完善和改进高温警示和响应系统(BC HARS)。

请参阅卑诗省疾病控制中心 (BC Centre for Disease Control) 网站,了解有关卑诗省高温警示和响应系统的更多信息。



高温预警(1 级)



极端高温紧急情况(2 级)



Graphic Illustration of Vancouver's Indoor Heat Study showing houses with the sun

Vancouver’s Indoor HEAT Study (2021-2023)

In 2021, Western Canada experienced an extreme heat event caused by a heat dome that resulted in 619 heat-related deaths across BC. In the weeks following, a team of health and climate professionals at Vancouver Coastal Health, BC Centre for Disease Control, and the City of Vancouver identified indoor temperature as a data gap in the region. To address this gap, these organizations designed a multi-year study – the Indoor Household Exposure to Ambient Temperatures (HEAT) Study – to collect temperature, building, and household data from residents living in Vancouver, BC. The goal of this work is to help inform recommendations for achieving safe cool temperatures inside existing buildings and help prevent heat illness.

Read the results of the study here

2021 BC Heat Dome and VCH ER Visits

Following the 2021 BC heat dome, the VCH Public Health Surveillance Unit studied data on emergency room visits in collaboration with VCH and Providence Health Care Emergency Medicine programs. Several key findings were identified:

The extreme heat event that affected much of British Columbia in 2021 resulted in a substantial increase in Emergency Department visits related to heat-related illness in VCH hospitals.

Rates of heat-related Emergency Department visits varied substantially by area of residence. Among the urban neighbourhoods in the VCH region, a higher rate of heat-related ED visits was observed among residents in the Downtown Eastside, Kensington, Victoria-Fraserview, North Vancouver City-East/West, and North Vancouver District Municipality –Central.

Among age groups, the highest rate of heat-related ED visits was among those aged greater than 80 years. Slightly more than half of heat-related ED visits and over 90% of hospitalizations among these visits were among those aged 65 years or older.

Comprehensive heat event preparedness is essential to minimize future health impacts, as the risk of extreme heat events in the context of a warming climate continues to evolve.

Read the full report: 2021 BC Heat Dome VCH ER Visits

2021 BC Heat Dome and VCH ER Visits

Following the 2021 BC heat dome, the VCH Public Health Surveillance Unit studied data on emergency room visits in collaboration with VCH and Providence Health Care Emergency Medicine programs. Several key findings were identified:

The extreme heat event that affected much of British Columbia in 2021 resulted in a substantial increase in Emergency Department visits related to heat-related illness in VCH hospitals.

Rates of heat-related Emergency Department visits varied substantially by area of residence. Among the urban neighbourhoods in the VCH region, a higher rate of heat-related ED visits was observed among residents in the Downtown Eastside, Kensington, Victoria-Fraserview, North Vancouver City-East/West, and North Vancouver District Municipality –Central.

Among age groups, the highest rate of heat-related ED visits was among those aged greater than 80 years. Slightly more than half of heat-related ED visits and over 90% of hospitalizations among these visits were among those aged 65 years or older.

Comprehensive heat event preparedness is essential to minimize future health impacts, as the risk of extreme heat events in the context of a warming climate continues to evolve.

Read the full report: 2021 BC Heat Dome VCH ER Visits

Cover of Policy tools to create and support cooler, safer indoor living spaces


温哥华沿岸卫生局 (Vancouver Coastal Health, VCH) 对相关政策和监管方案进行了审查,以提高辖区内住宅的热安全性。该过程包括对辖区内政策工具的审阅,以及对来自不同政府层级、住房和租赁倡权团体以及住房提供机构的关键信息人员所进行的访谈。除了描述多种政策选择外,调查结果还表明,需要在不同政府层面采取多种政策干预措施,同时需要采取策略来克服与成本和可行性相关的重大挑战,避免产生意外后果。



    • 极端高温海报

    • 极端高温海报

    • Extreme heat preparedness guide


    • Health checks during extreme heat events guide


    • Fans in extreme heat FAQ

      Vancouver Coastal Health and Fraser Health

    • Build your own cool kit

      Vancouver Coastal Health and the City of Vancouver (Find at the bottom of the page); Available in: English, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese.

    • Heat-related illness in infants and young children

      HealthLink BC; Available in: English, Arabic, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Farsi, French, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

    • Prepared together for extreme heat

      Building Resilient Neighbourhoods and Hey Neighbour Collective; Neighbour-to-neighbour connections may save lives during heat events. See tips to connect, learn, & collaborate with neighbours.

    • AC Care

      Aboriginal Housing Management Association; Recommendations on safe and efficient operation of portable air conditioning units.

    • Extreme heat poster

      VCH & Fraser Health (English, Arabic, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Hindi, Korean, Farsi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu, Vietnamese and Gujarati)

    • Extreme heat poster

      VCH & Fraser Health (English, Arabic, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Hindi, Korean, Farsi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu, Vietnamese and Gujarati)

    • Extreme heat poster

      VCH & Fraser Health (English, Arabic, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Hindi, Korean, Farsi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu, Vietnamese and Gujarati)

    • Health checks during extreme heat events guide

      NCCEH (English, French, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese)

    • Heat check-In training slides

      Vancouver Coastal Health

    • Heat check-in training: Train the trainer slides

      Vancouver Coastal Health

    • Heat check-in practice scenarios

      Vancouver Coastal Health

    • Heat check-in practice scenarios: Facilitation guide

      Vancouver Coastal Health

    • Extreme heat preparedness guide

      PreparedBC (English, French, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese)

    • Heat related illness

      HealthLink BC (available in multiple languages)

    • Beat the heat

      HealthLink BC (English, Arabic, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Farsi, French, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukranian and Vietnamese)

    • Heat stress information for workers

      WorkSafe BC

    • Sample Heat and Wildfire Smoke Plan for Local Governments

      Vancouver Coastal Health

    • Heat response planning for Southern Interior B.C. communities: A toolkit

      Interior Health; Learn what your community can do to prepare for heat.

    • Outdoor Gatherings Guidance

      Vancouver Coastal Health

    • Heat-check in support framework for non-governmental organizations


    • Emergency support for seniors framework

      Renfrew-Collingwood Seniors' Society

    • Child care facilities and heat


    • Long-term care facilities and heat


    • Resource guide: Heat Planning

      VCH and Health Emergency Management BC; How community care facilities can begin heat planning and recommended months for each step.

    • Heat Response Plan Template

      VCH and Health Emergency Management BC; Fillable heat response plan template for community care facilities.

    • Site assessment checklist

      VCH and Health Emergency Management BC; Detailed site and clinical checklists to assist community care facilities with heat planning.

    • Resident risk identification guidance

      VCH and Health Emergency Management BC; Criteria to identify residents in community care facilities at highest risk from heat-related illness.

    • Heat response preparation checklists

      VCH and Health Emergency Management BC; Brief checklist for community care facilities to complete before each heat season.

    • Heat response temperature log

      Vancouver Coastal Health and Health Emergency Management BC; Indoor temperature recording template for community care facilities.

    • Heat response checklist

      Vancouver Coastal Health and Health Emergency Management BC; Daily readiness check for community care facilities during heat alerts.

    • Heat-related illness: Prevention and Management in Community Care Facilities

      Vancouver Coastal Health and Providence Health Care

    • Extreme Heat Guidance for Restaurants

      Vancouver Coastal Health

    • Pool Operators on Extreme Heat and Smoke

      Fraser Health

    • Recommended actions for owners and managers of rental and/or strata housing

      By VCH & Fraser Health

    • For landlords and stratas: Heat planning resources for housing providers

      BC Housing

    • Heat Stress

      WorkSafe BC

    • How to be a heat-healthy business leader

      Fraser Health

Resources for health professionals