身體健康不僅取決於醫療護理。 除了醫療護理和身體生物學以外,環境和社會因素也顯著地影響著我們的健康和福祉。溫哥華沿岸衛生局公共衛生部門努力通過減少這些因素(稱為健康決定因素)所影響我們社區健康的程度,以預防疾病。
Who we are
The Healthy Environments & Climate Change (HECC) Team works on topics related to our built and natural environments as well as climate change and its impacts on our health. The team is comprised of Medical Health Officers, climate change and health leads, environmental health scientists, community planners, Environmental Health Officers and others.
How we work to improve the health of our communities
The HECC team focuses its work on the physical and environmental determinants of health. These topics fall within the core public health functions of health promotion, healthy public policy, health protection, emergency preparedness and response, and disease and injury prevention. The types of health hazards addressed includes: physical (e.g. built environment), chemical (e.g. air quality), biological (e.g. drinking water contamination), and climate-related (e.g. wildfire smoke) hazards.
We work closely with municipal, provincial, and federal partners, as well as local not-for profit organizations and academia on a range of topics.
Equity is a critical lens that informs all of this work. We aim to reduce health inequities, and prioritize action to support individuals and populations experiencing inequitable determinants of health.
在 2022 年,健康環境和氣候變化團隊:
與溫哥華市和卑詩省疾病控制中心(BC Centre for Disease Control, BCCDC)合作,在酷熱天氣期間進行室內溫度調查。
建立了為非政府組織 (non-governmental organizations, NGOs) 在高溫天氣時查看現況的支援框架 (Heat Check-in Support Framework for NGOs),引導在極度酷熱天氣期間查看弱勢社群現況的計劃。
- 提供了協助:
- 運輸聯網 (TransLink) 2050 年區域交通計劃
- 大溫哥華的《區域增長策略(2050 年)》
- 大溫哥華的《清新空氣計劃》
- 大溫哥華的《2050 年氣候》
- 提供了意見:
- 溫哥華市《氣候緊急行動計劃》
- 溫哥華市《氣候緊急泊車計劃》
- 建議增擴的大溫哥華《非道路柴油引擎排放條例》
- 提供了意見回饋:
- 省政府的《氣候準備與調適策略》
- 《西北港口清新空氣策略》
If you have a question for the team, please reach out to