Three Bridges 社區保健中心(溫哥華西端)的兒童與青少年心理健康團隊
- 1128 Hornby Street, Unit 101 Vancouver, BC V6Z 2L4
- Phone: (604) 331-8908
- Fax: (604) 331-8910
如果有安全上的緊急顧慮,請致電 9-1-1 或就近前往醫院急診室。
自殺防治專線: 1-800-784-2433
撥打卑詩省危機專線 (BC Crisis Line): 604-310-6789
兒童協助電話 (Kids Hellp Phone): 1-800-668-6868
KUU-US 危機支援專線 (Crisis Support Line)(卑詩全省原住民免費危機與支援專線 (BC Wide Indigenous Toll Free Crisis and Support Line)): 1-800-588-8717
Three Bridges 社區保健中心(溫哥華西端)兒童與青少年心理健康團隊為患有嚴重心理健康問題和/或社交、情緒或行為障礙的兒童、青少年及其家人提供服務。我們致力於早期介入以預防或緩解嚴重疾病。然而,參與是自願的。
How to access
- 6 至 18 歲兒童及青少年
- 星期一: 9:00 上午 to 5:00 下午
- 星期二: 9:00 上午 to 5:00 下午
- 星期三: 9:00 上午 to 5:00 下午
- 星期四: 9:00 上午 to 5:00 下午
- 星期五: 9:00 上午 to 5:00 下午
- 星期六: 休息
- 星期日: 休息
Walk-in intakes are accepted on Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Parking and transportation
Metered parking is available in the surrounding streets.
Nearby bus stops and train stations are:
- Burrard Skytrain Station - catch bus #002 at Burrard Skytrain Station and disembark at Nelson Street, then head east to Hornby Street.
- Granville Skytrain Station - catch bus #014,004,010,016,050 and disembark at Helmcken Street, then head west to Hornby Street.

- 評估並轉介至適當的服務、
- 找到資源、
- 諮詢、
- 治療、精神醫學、團體和
- 教育。
BC Government CYMH Intake
Community-Based Mental Health Services for Children, Youth and Families.
Family services of Greater Vancouver
Offers over 50 programs and supports for individuals, families, children, and seniors in Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, Richmond and Surrey.
Foundry BC
Gastown vocational services
Kelty Mental health
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Thrive Open Door
YMCA Mental wellness
BC Crisis line
Help is available! We are here to listen, here to help – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Kids Help Phone
Youth Crisis BC
Anxiety Canada
Resources, relief and results
Canadian Mental Health Association
Early psychosis intervention
Family Smart
Here to Help

Made possible by the generosity of the Alan and Gwendoline Pyatt Foundation.