Geometric pattern of mountains

Need help immediately?

If there is a life-threatening safety concern, please call 9-1-1 or go to the Emergency Department at your nearest hospital.

Suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-784-2433

BC Crisis Line: 604-310-6789

Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868

Indigenous Crisis and Support Line - KUU-US Crisis Support Line: 1-800-588-8717

Harm reduction: Toward the Heart

BC OSI provides comprehensive clinical assessment and treatment services for clients who live with mental health conditions related to an operational stress injury (OSI).

How to access

  • Get a referral

    Clients must be referred to the BC OSI Clinic by Veteran Affairs Canada, Canadian Forces or RCMP.  We are unable to accept self-referrals.

    Regular and Reserve Members of Canadian Forces: Speak with your Medical Officer or Social Worker on the Base to discuss your concern.

    Current members of the RCMP: Speak with your Health Services Officer or RCMP Psychologist.

    Retired Canadian Forces or retired RCMP: Speak with Veterans Affairs Canada National Client Contact Centre at: English: 1-866-522-2122 French: 1-866-522-2022

    To talk to a Peer Support Coordinator, call the Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS) Program at 1-800-883-6094

747 Fort Street

Location of BC OSI Victoria.

BC Operational Stress Injury (BC OSI) Clinic

BC Operational Stress Injury Clinic provides comprehensive clinical assessment and treatment services for veterans, active RCMP and Military who are challenged with mental health conditions related to an operational stress injury (OSI).