Adults 19+ Substance Use Intake Services

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Adult substance use intake services help adults aged 19+ and their families access substance use support services in the Vancouver Coastal Health region. Many services also support both mental health and substance use difficulties.

What to expect

If you are an adult over the age of 19 living in the Vancouver Coastal Health region, several substance use intake services are available to help connect you to services and resources; these services can also refer to many of our mental health and substance use programs. The goal is to match a person’s needs to the right services and resources at the right time.

Any family, caregiver, or concerned other can call an intake service to report concerns, provide information and request services for a person requiring support. We strive to provide low-barrier access to client-centred care and support.

Substance use intake services available near you

Help is available. Contact a service near you to get started or to learn about substance use services available in your area. Many services also support both mental health and substance use difficulties.

Are you a youth between the ages of 12 and 24?

Foundry locations also offer support for people with mental health concerns who use substances, with support available for youth aged 12 to 24. Find a Youth & Young Adult Mental Health Drop-In Clinic at multiple locations, including the North Shore and Richmond.

This service is available at
This service is available at

Bella Coola Mental Health and Substance Use Services

Please email to connect to this service. If this is an emergency visit Bella Coola General Hospital at 1025 Elcho Street
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