Diabetes Education Centres provide assessment and education for people of all ages living with diabetes, emphasizing prevention and chronic disease management.

What to expect

Diabetes Education Centres are outpatient programs providing client, their families, and their caregivers with self-management education and support. Program assistants support the education centres, and the teams include registered nurses and registered dietitians who are Certified Diabetes Educators. 

This program provides interactive group education, individual assessment and support. Sessions and appointments include information on nutrition, exercise, blood sugar monitoring and more to support self-management and maximize wellness.


Find this service near you

  • Community health centres

    Diabetes Education Centre at North Shore Chronic Disease Services

    8.88 km
    2121 Marine DriveWest Vancouver
  • Other

    Diabetes Education Centre at Richmond Community Health Access Centre

    9.35 km
    7671 Alderbridge Way, #343,Richmond
  • Community health centres

    Diabetes Education Centre at Squamish Community Health Centre

    49.56 km
    1140 Hunter PlaceSquamish
  • Diabetes Education Centre at qathet General Hospital

    120.41 km
    5000 Joyce AvenuePowell River