Generation Health Clinic - Program in Chinese

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8100 Granville buliding

Generation Health Clinic is a family-centred healthy living program for children and teens aged 6 to 17 living with overweight or obesity and specific health concerns. Our program has a doctor, dietitian, clinical counsellor, and exercise specialist. We help families of Chinese background make healthy living changes by building the foundation for active living, family connections, mental health, balanced eating, screen time and sleep.

What to expect

Comprehensive assessment and feedback sessions with the Generation Health Clinic Team

A fun interactive 10-week group program with two sessions weekly:

  • One educational evening session (2 hours) that includes a 30-minute activity session for the children/teens
  • One family fun activity session (1 hour) on the weekend
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Generation Health Clinic - Program in Chinese at Richmond Place – 8100 Granville Avenue

8100 Granville Avenue
Richmond, BC V6Y 3T6
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