Community health profiles
Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) creates Community Health Profiles to report on some of the factors that influence the health of individuals and populations in our region.
Community health profiles include:
- Population-level data on several variables such as income, housing, education and child development
- Health indicators such as life expectancy, birth rates, standardized mortality ratios and on how health services are used
We hope that these profiles will help our partners in the community to identify emerging needs, undertake strategic planning and implement supportive health initiatives.
Vancouver community health profiles
Community health profiles that combine multiple data sources to summarize the demographic compositions, the health status and health care utilization for local health areas in Vancouver. Some key data sources included are BC Stats, the Early Development Instrument, Vancouver Foundation, and BC Vital Statistics.
Vancouver community health profiles by area
Vancouver City Centre
Vancouver City Centre Community Health & Social Profile (Community Health Area 1)
Vancouver Mid-East
Vancouver Mid East Community Health & Social Profile (Community Health Area 2)
Vancouver Northeast
Vancouver Northeast Community Health & Social Profile (Community Health Area 3)
Vancouver Westside
Vancouver Westside Community Health & Social Profile (Community Health Area 4)
Vancouver Midtown
Vancouver Midtown Community Health & Social Profile (Community Health Area 5)
Vancouver South
Vancouver South Community Health & Social Profile (Community Health Area 6)
PHSA BC Community Health Data
BC community health data on
My Health My Community Community Profiles
Summary Results by Community & Neighbourhood - 2014 survey